Bison, wolves, and anxiety

Bison in snow, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.

The bison were serene. They were made for this world and don’t imagine otherwise.

Winter will pass as surely as summer, and while it is here the daily work of eating goes on as it always has. The pleasure of having been equal to the task increases with its difficulty, at the beginning. We know we can have enough, even of pleasure.

A couple of wolves sat beyond the edge of the herd. Waiting. I wanted photographs of them in action, so I also sat waiting. One of the wolves lay down, stretched out, and went to sleep. This made me restless, and I moved on, looking for something else.

Wolf napping in snow


This eagle more or less flew into the frame while I was taking shots of the sky.

I had to drive into work today to work with the debate team—which was unexpected. It wasn’t what I intended for the day, but we have a competitive meet tomorrow. So I grabbed my camera and went to get the work done.

On the way home, I pulled over just to photograph a dramatic sky. While I was standing on the shoulder of Back Road, my camera in my hand, an eagle flew by directly in front of that sky and quite close to me.

I think one of the secrets of life is simply to find out what the world is becoming and help it. I judge whether I’m on the right path to some degree by the amount of serendipity I encounter. Though hard work is required, the best things that happen are often very easy.